May’s Place Makeover

The Bloom Group is pleased to announce renovations to May’s Place are now complete. The upgrades make our Downtown Eastside Hospice even safer and homier for residents and their families as they access vital end-of-life care. These renovations were made possible by Cutler, who provided their design and project management services pro bono, and by our generous donors.

This year marks our 25th year providing compassionate end-of-life- care at May’s. For a quarter-century May’s Place has given some of the emost vulnerable people on our community a peaceful and dignified passing.

“Many residents haven’t had the experience of home in a while… We want to make it feel less like a hospital and more like the home they haven’t had in years,” Natalie Cutler, Principal and Creative Director at Cutler, told The Vancouver Sun.

Michele Sutherland, Manager of Hospice Services with The Bloom Group, noted how important it was to create warmer spaces for families to be together.

“There are times that we have family that are trying to reconnect with their loves ones to say their goodbyes, and to try to find some peace with what has happened in their lives. So we want to have a space where we can allow that to happen.”

Thank you to everyone who made this project possible, and for helping make May’s a home away from home, for 25 years and counting.

new mays place kitchen                       new mays place sitting room

Thank you for helping us give May’s a much-needed makeover!

About Cutler: Cutler is a commercial interior design and project management firm located in Gastown. Formed in 2009 by Jeff and Natalie Cutler, today the company is operated by the principals and a dedicated team who assist our clients in exceeding their design and business objectives. For more information visit